Arts, culture and patrimony: cultural and patrimonial sites, art galleries…

Each country is different by its culture and its patrimony. However, when the term patrimony is used in this sense, it is important to remember its collective and global dimension. Indeed, some places are considered as specific properties of culture and art. We can visit them to deepen our knowledge.

Cultures and patrimony, two inseparable concepts

There are artistic activities that are intended for everyone. Amateur or professional, art is diversified and characterized in works of passion and dedication. All over the world, art is based on the culture of a country or a community. Where there is art, there is a culture to be discovered and a place where everyone can draw more knowledge. The patrimony is the set of common goods, it is the human productions with artistic character that the past left such as the historical monuments for example. These monuments will be used to serve art and culture.

Sites that serve art and culture

The countries try to support the artistic and cultural initiatives of their national and local artists through arts organization. These organizations will have the heavy task of promoting the art in question and the original artist. They will have the professional competence to mediate by holding exhibitions in cultural venues, such as for example an art gallery . The artists who have provided the art work will be in close collaboration with these offices precisely to improve their notoriety, but above all to transmit the culture, source of his work. In a work of art, we can capture the historical context, the culture as well as the artistic techniques. Here are some examples of cultural places: concert hall, concert-café, music school, music academy, music organizations , library, bookshop-café, museum, exhibition hall, art gallery or even the bar-expo.

To bring culture and art within the reach of a large number of people

The cultural venues will be the first showcase of the art and culture of the nation or the region. They value these places. When we visit a country, we always intend to visit the museums. We know that in order to satisfy our needs for knowledge or simply to entertain ourselves, we need to understand its art. The cultural spaces create bridges, try to bring the population together in order to become a space of life and encounters. They offer a rich cultural program. The venues are an integral part of the life of the residents, it is important that the inhabitants appropriate all the entities of the places .
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